『Bang my Can』
(Enja Records)
『Here we gong』
(Enja Records)
Could you tell us a little about you and your band?
My band was founded 10 years ago in Brussels Jazz Club "Sounds" where we had a steady gig, playing every second tuesday night and creating over a quite a period of time a very own band sound that still is the sound of our band in a certain way!
How did you get started musically? and could you also tell us about the music scene in your country?
In fact I've started by studying classical percussion; first at the Luxembourg Conservatory and later in Strasbourg in France. Then as for every percussion player it is nice to specialize one day in one of the instruments; some become timpani player in an symphonic orchestra, others become drummer in a pop band; I've become vibraphone player in a jazzband! There is a really little jazzscene in Luxembourg, but it's growing! Many of the young talents move to Brussels, Cologne, Amsterdam or The Hague to study and come then back after their studies. As a jazz musician you can absolutely live in Luxembourg even though there is not a real club scene. The fantastic geographical situation allows this...within 2-3 hours you can easily be in Paris, Cologne, Brussels, Frankfurt, Saarbruck and if you drive on more hour you'll be in Amsterdam.
Any musicians (or things) that you have been influenced / inspired by?
We are very attached to lyrical european jazz art forms that melt influences from contemporary music and pop music. Our high sound idiom is totally rooted in the scandinavian jazz esthetics and the formal shape of our music is sometimes based on postminimal contemporary music as well as on Coldplay and Sigur Ros songs and anthems. Many musicians and composers influenced me. Hard to point out one or two. Here are some that flip into my mind : Steve Reich, David Lang, Sting, Thome Yorke, J.S. Bach, John Lewis and Milt Jackson.
This is your very first appearance in Japan. Any thoughts about the country?
ソフィア・コッポラ監督の 『ロスト・イン・トランスレーション』(日本が舞台の作品) は僕の大好きな映画の一つです。未知の世界で色んなものを発見しないとね!
Sofia Coppola's "Lost in translation" is one of my favorite movies. Anything else has to be discovered now!!
Could you tell us a little about your upcoming shows?
最近のアルバム『BANG MY CAN』と『HERE WE GONG』から演奏します。この2つのアルバムは全てメンバー全員で書いたもので、まさしく叙情詩的なコンテンポラリー・ヨーロッパ・ジャズです。
We will present the music of our two latest albums HERE WE GONG and BANG MY CAN. These albums consist of music written by all four band members and could be described as lyrical contemporary european jazz.
What would you like to do with your free time whilst in Japan?
I really like to walk through the streets without any plan, just following my nose and get inspired by everything that surrounds me. Can't wait to get there!!
Is there anything that you are currently into or interested in (not necessarily music-related) ?
I am interested in good food and great wines... Looking forward to what Japan has to offer!
Any future projects?
たくさんあります!ここ数年、以前に増して曲を作っています。ヴィブラフォン・コンチェルトから室内楽、もちろんカルテットの新曲も。12月にはフランチェスコ・トリスターノとバシャール・カリフェとのトリオでのレコーディングもひかえてます。新しいバンド<A Ni>としても日本に来れることを願っています。
Many! I am composing more and more music since a couple years so I am quite some commissions, like a vibraphone concerto, chamber music and of course new music for my quartet. There will also be a trio recording in december with Francesco Tristano and Bachar Khalif. A Ni, a new band that I will hopefully bring to Japan as soon as possible.
What do you wish to most convey to your audience through your music?
Melodies. For me melodies are the most important thing in music, beautifully shaped melodies may allow the public to drift away and forget for some time everything around them. Often our music is compared to filmmusic and I like this very much. I don't mind people closing there eyes and float somewhere they've never been. The vibraphone is quite a unique instrument and allows certain vibes to appear and to feel.
Any message for the Japanese audience looking forward to your shows?
"ヒアー・ウィー・ゴング (ゴー)"、そして"バング・マイ・キャン"!日本への初上陸をとても楽しみにしています!
HERE WE GONG and BANG MY CAN! We are really excited to discover Japan.
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